Libano (Saida, Beirut, Tripoli)
CROSS BORDER AREA - North Macedonia (Bitola and Prilep) and Greece (Thessaloniki)
- Boundaries of growth: in Nacuda local communities and institutions delimit fishing reserve areas and co-manage them to protect marine and coastal resources
Localidade de Nacuda, Posto Administrativo de Bajone, Distrito de Mocubela, Provincia da Zambezia
- Toka Jonë
Tirana & Durres regional areas
- Lakes of Albania: promoting sustainable and responsible tourism models for inclusive community development
Municipalità di Scutari, Malesi e Madhe, Pogradec
- Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (SEE) CHANGE
Bekaa, Nord Libano e Monte Libano
- Green- AL: "Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania"
- The Value Chain Alliance for Livestock Upgrading Empowerment (VALUE) on pigs and goats
Manicaland, Matebeleland South, Matebeleland North, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East and Mashonaland West.
- Completed projects
- Kufungula Muae
Districts if Mocuba, Gurué and Alto Molócue, Zambézia province
- Western Balkans Youth Social Economy Alliance – WB SEA
Regional (Italy, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia)
- REACH - Raising Environmental Awareness on Circular economy and natural Habitats of Cetinje and Lovcen
- Revitalisation of multifunctional center of Kolonja
Kolonja Municipality, Albania
- COOPERA - Economic development at the service of the environment
Discrict of Mocubela, Zambezia Province
- CLIMA – CLimate Improved Model for Agriculture
Distretti di Pebane e Mocubela, Provincia della Zambezia
- Project FURSA: Supporting Livelihoods and Social Stability for Syrian refugees and host populations
Lebanon: region of Akkar and West Bekaa; Turkey: Kilis, Hatay and Gaziantep; Iraq: Dohuk, Erbil and Suleymania, and two refugee camps (Domiz, Gawilan)
- MuL<->ER Zambezia - Local development through renewable energies
Namanjavira, località sede e Alto Benfica, Distretto di Mocuba
- VEEP: Inclusive strategies of training and growth
Lebanon, Mkalles-Mansourieh-Daychouniyeh Municipality (El-Metn District, in Mounth Lebanon Governorate)
- Reducing poverty and food insecurity in 4 district areas in Zambezia, through the improvement of post-production processes and social inclusion of the most vulnerable categories
Lugela District (Lugela e Tacuane), Derre (Goziza e Machindo), Namarroi (Namarroi Sede e Rigone), Gilé (Gilé Sede e Alto Ligonha)- Province of Zambezia
- Agri-SMART: supporting resilience and inclusive development
Zambesia Province, Districts of Lugela (Lugela Sede e Tacuane), Derre (Goziza e Machindo), Namarroi (Namarroi Sede e Rigone) and Gilé (Gilé Sede e Alto Ligonha)
- Supporting Employability through Self Development
Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Development and environmental sustainability | Tackling climate changes in Mozambique
Mocubela District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
- Leb. Inc.: promoting inclusive business in Lebanon
Tripoli (Northen Lebanon), Zahle (Beqaa)
- Capacity building of Local Committees and support to the selection process of beneficiaries of the vouchers program in the Province of Zambezia
Alto Molocue and Gurue districts, Zambezia
- In-formare: percorsi di co-sviluppo tra Italia e Marocco
Milano (Italy), Tadla Azilal Region (Morocco)
- From ideas to businesses: co-development paths between Italy and Morocco
Regione Lombardia (Italia), Regione Tadla Azilal (Marocco)
- Introduction of the social economy and rehabilitation of the cooperative system in support of the agricultural development in Montenegro
- Support to small agro-ecological farmers in region of Piura, Peru
Regione Piura
- Sustainable Economic Initiatives in Sigsipamba- Pimampiro
Parroquia de Sigsipamba, Cantón de Pimampiro, Provincia de Imbabura
- Development in the Ayopaya Province, Cochabamba Department
Provincia di Apopaya, Dipartimento di Cochabamba
- Development of responsible tourism in the Salar of Uyuni
Dipartimento di Potosì
- Promotion of the ” Productive Municipality” in Chuquisaca – Bolivia
Mancomunidad de Chuquisaca Centro, Dipartimento di Chuquisaca
- Food Security and fighting poverty in Hwange and Binga Districts
Distretti di Hwange and Binga