15 March 2017

Flood in Zimbabwe: the meeting in Harare and the stakeholder’s multi-sectoral answer

251 people reported dead, over 2000 people displaced, livelihoods disrupted, infrastructure including roads, bridges, schools, and water sources damaged or definitively compromised. Disastrous consequences hit Zimbabwe’s southern-regions after the recent flood.   In response, the Government of Zimbabwe has declared national disaster and set up a Cabinet Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management. A […]

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27 February 2017

Link2007 and AOI join the advertising self-regulation institute

AOI and LINK are the first no-profit associations to join the Advertising Self-regulation Institute (IAP), only referred, until now, to commercial advertising. A crucial step in the path taken by many associations belonging to the no-profit, communication and fundraising world. This lead to the constitution of a Table on the use of images in communication […]

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