14 February 2018

Conservation Agriculture: eco-sustainable development in Zambezia

The introduction of sustainable agricultural practices, such as conservation agriculture, contributes in saving biodiversity, stabilizing the land use change, avoiding cut and burn system in preparation of fields and increasing areas suitable to the forest recovery. It can also represent food security and an economic source for rural communities, producing surplus and major incomes, increasing […]

31 January 2018

Our Voices: ready to launch the training on Storytelling and Digital Curation

Curating digital stories and mobilizing them to create positive change and impact in communities across Europe is both innovative and necessary in today’s landscape. Yet despite this, few organizations work in the field of curating stories for impact and therefore, one of the key purposes of the Our Voices project is to design and develop […]

16 November 2017

Culture of sustainability to fight climate changes: training and Environmental Club in Zambezia

Climate change is increasing frequency and intensity of environmental disasters on global scale. In Countries like Mozambique, the effects of these phenomena are more visible than elsewhere and have gradual but long-lasting impacts on food production and consumption, as well as on economy and development possibilities.   Put a stop to resources impoverishment, carbon emissions and […]