31 May 2018

Nature preservation: an opportunity for development

May 31st 2018: with the inaugural ceremony in Quelimane, we kicked off the Project FORESTE, an intervention that will involve 10 communities in Mocubela District (Zambezia, Mozambique) in the development of integrative productive systems, able to enhance and diversify productive activities and, at the same time, allow soil preservation, to mitigate anthropic pressure on natural […]

3 April 2018

Supporting Employability through Self Development

We call them “Neet” (neither in employment nor in education or training) and they represent the 11.6% of the European young population. Four letters, that unite very different situations. Unemployed, young graduates seeking for a job or that come back from an educational experience and wait to find their place in the labor market. Transition […]

23 March 2018

International Forest Day in Zambezia, Mozambique

The “International Forest Day” celebration in Zambezia, north of Mozambique, gathered provincial and local authorities, environmental stakeholders, communities and CSOs to reaffirm together the commitment in preserving local forest resources. On the 20th and 21st of March 2018, in the Buffer Zone of the Gilé National Reserve, COSV was invited to attend the events as […]