22 November 2018

FIKANI Fair: discovering and protecting Zambezia

“At present, the tourism sector contributes only to the 2.3% of Mozambique’s gross domestic product. A percentage that challenges us all, because our Country has a huge tourist potential and, in our government action, it is considered a priority: just look at the beauty, riches and conservation areas in Mozambique. In order for the Country […]

29 October 2018

Tackle Climate Changes, in a gender perspective

To strengthen institutions and civil society’s capacities in the management of climate emergencies: this the major goal of the intervention “Sustainable resilience strenghtening in the communities in Mocubela and Pebane districts – Zambézia”, realized with support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, launched on October 26th in Pebane, Zambezia Province, Mozambique.    Zambezia is one […]

31 May 2018

Nature preservation: an opportunity for development

May 31st 2018: with the inaugural ceremony in Quelimane, we kicked off the Project FORESTE, an intervention that will involve 10 communities in Mocubela District (Zambezia, Mozambique) in the development of integrative productive systems, able to enhance and diversify productive activities and, at the same time, allow soil preservation, to mitigate anthropic pressure on natural […]