26 September 2014

In West Beqaa, Lebanon, to support people affected by the Syrian crisis

he Syrian crisis, which began with peaceful demonstrations in 2011, has gradually stepped up to take on the contours of one of the cruelest and bloodiest civil wars in history. The precarious national context has forced millions of people to flee their homes to seek refuge in safer areas inside Syria itself or in neighboring […]

18 July 2014

South Sudan: health, nutrition and education to face the crisis

“Access is the major issue we are facing today in South Sudan: our interventions take place in Jonglei State, pressed between the government and the rebel’s armies. The area has been strongly affected by the conflict, our Health Center and the compound in Ayod have been destroyed, more than 25.000 people were displaced to the […]

7 July 2014

COSV Annual Report is online

With the publication of its own annual report, COSV intends to give a concrete follow-up to the “Charter of Accountability“, signed in 2013 with the other NGOs belonging to Link2007.   Accuracy and transparency, with reference both to the management of resources and to the communication of the results achieved by projects,are for us fundamental […]