20 March 2017

Mediterranean Bridge 2015: linking Italy and Turkey for migrants protection

Italy and Turkey are the doors of Europe. Migration flows, especially in these two countries, became more and more intense in the last two years, challenging local and international government policies. This led to “Mediterranean Bridge 2015” – a project of partnership and research in matter of justice, liberty and security – part of “Civil […]

6 March 2017

Working with communities, promoting resilience, reaching sustainability

Natural reserves stressed by climate changes and indiscriminate exploitation of resources, areas struggling to cope with reception of refugees communities, multi-ethnic municipalities striving for the provision of socio-economic services. Our working contexts present different features, but a common main factor: a civil society that gives voice to social change and is actively engaged towards the […]

1 April 2016

Zambesia | Introduction of driers to conserve peanuts

In Zambezia, in Pebane and Gilé Districts where we are working to fight deforestation, protect biodiversity and develop domestic agriculture, peanuts are amongst the most widespread cultivations. Peanuts have a good penetration in the markets and being within the dried fruit category should be easy to conserve. Nevertheless, in central Mozambique where the climate is […]