Impact-evaluation policies for development cooperation strategies

In the constant research of positive changes, a central role is covered by the measurement of the impact of actions placed to eradicate poverty and inequality, ensure fundamental rights, answer to humanitarian crises and promote sustainable development.
For this purpose, starting from the signature, on 16th October 2013, of Link 2007’s “Chart on the road to accountability”, we strengthened the engagement for the realisation of some measures to put evaluation in focus of our intervention strategies.
Starting from important premises, we intend identify and share principles, guidelines and a set of basic tools useful to impact-evaluation. These will be elaborated by matching available knowledge and methodologies.
To do that, we consider as a value the possibility and the capacity of dialoguing with partner, institutions, academic representatives and experts who face on the same working ground. In this way, we also aim at participating to the identification of useful practices to improve the efficiency of acting towards global development goals.




Source: Link2007