Organization chart



Mario Brambilla

After working as a COSV desk officer for Mozambique, he has collaborated since 1995 with the Ministry of Labor as a sociologist and since 1999 with the Province of Milan for the Labor Market Observatory and for the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Area



Roberto Faccincani

Head Emergency Department at Humanitas hospital in Varese, he has a long experience in risk areas such as Sudan, Iraq, and North India and a specialization in disaster management and education in the management of major emergencies.

Board of Directors – councillor


Maria Cristina Negro

Since September 2016 she is Programme Officer for Social Services at Cariplo Foundation, after 9 years as Secretary-General at Giodano dell’Amore Foundation.

Board of Trustees


Paolo Martinello

He is specialized in insurance law, as well as antitrust and consumer law. Since 1995 he is President of the Association Altroconsumo and he is President of B.E.U.C. (Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs) of Brussels since 2008.

Board of Trustees


Piero Pedralli

After 38 years as a manager in a multinational company, today he is on the Board of Directors of the Italian Institute of Donations and Voluntary consultants for Sodalitas Foundation.


Alfio Guazzoni

Alfio Guazzoni

After 40 years of work in multinational groups, in 2010 he retired and carried out volunteer work in the Associazione Informatica Solidale OdV, where he is the pro-tempore president. In COSV since the mid-80s, he participated in various initiatives until the early 2000s.

Board of Auditors

Auditor – President Aldo Guido Conti
Auditor Elena Domenica Sironi
Auditor Giovanni Pessina

General Director


Paolo Comoglio

COSV General Director since April 2012, he is currently also COSV representative for the Mediterranean and the Middle East. He worked as Director from 2004 to 2012, after a previous experience in the association as Desk Officer and Project Assistant

Director of Operations


Federica Besana

At COSV since 2009, she manages and oversees daily operations of the organization, ensuring efficiency and sustainability through the optimisation of internal processes and the capitalization of good practices. Since 2015, she is the Focal Point for COSV Programs in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Financial Administration and Control


Barbara Magni

At COSV since 2009, she manages the administration of the Milan office and supervises the administrative staff in the local offices.

Communication Officer and Social Media Specialist


Marco Schiavini

He has a degree in Economics and Management and a master’s degree in Marketing and Communication. He started working for COSV in January 2020 as Communication Officer and Social Media Specialist.



Anna Clara Tumbiolo

She coordinates COSV Secretariat since 2009, collaborating with branch offices. She takes care of the applications and of the management of the documents concerning contracts and travels

Social Economy Unit Programme Manager

Annalisa Contini

Annalisa Contini

After more than ten years of experience in the world of Italian social cooperatives at different levels, since 2018 she has been involved in developing COSV’s global strategy for the social economy. She supports local teams in the technical implementation of relevant components for social entrepreneurship and conducts research and analysis relating to innovative interdisciplinary methodologies between development cooperation and the social economy.

M&E Coordinator

Tommaso Cassiani

Tommaso Cassiani

Design & M&E Coordinator, his job consists in defining, harmonizing and examining the Monitoring and Evaluation systems of the projects in the different areas where COSV works.
Creator and Responsible for M&E Framework of COSV Programme 2018-2019, and the consequent evaluation of Impact.

Country Coordinator Montenegro


Suzana Stijovic

At COSV since 1998, the year of the foundation of the local office in Montenegro. In these about 20 years of service, she covered various roles: interpreter, money manager, project designer in the Balkans. She also collaborated with COSV in its mission in Kenya. Currently, she coordinates the program in the Balkans area.

Program Coordinator Mozambique


Roberto Novelli

After earning a master’s degree in International Economics and Finance, he becomes a Chartered Accountant and specializes in the Trust tool and in the management of private assets. He was director and advisor of several Italian companies, before rediscovering the international dimension of his professionalism, starting to collaborate with COSV in Mozambique in 2021 in the role of country program coordinator.

Country Representative Syria


Shehnab Sahin

Shehnab has more than a decade of experience in the International Humanitarian, Development and Public Administration fields. She has managed a vast portfolio of projects in the areas of Refugee Security, Education, Women and Child Protection, Climate Change and Food Security. Prior to joining COSV she served as a senior civil servant with the Government of India. She has an academic background in History, International Development and European Studies from the University of Delhi, University of Torino and University of Vienna.

Country Representative Macedonia


Goçe Bogoevski

At COSV from 2009, he collaborated on the opening of the local office in Macedonia and from the beginning, he was its legal representative. In the past, he collaborated with other Italian NGOs with missions in Afghanistan and Kenya. Today he takes care of Public Relations and of the implementation of the strategy in the Country.