COSV is a non-profit voluntary organization involved in international cooperation since 1968, with projects in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.
Since 45 years we work with an evolving, innovative and proactive approach, avoiding to take for granted all changes that, for better and for worse, happens worldwide.
Our activities involve several hundreds of people, all connected to the association: members, volunteers and expatriate staff, consultants, partners of the countries of the South, working groups, friends who support the activities in Italy and all those who subscribe for specific projects.
Since the beginning, we defend our autonomy: we do not adhere to any political party or specific group and we are not controlled by any government ministry.
We work for peace, for the defense of fundamental human rights (life, dignity, justice ..), for environmental protection. We work to promote a culture of solidarity that rejects all forms of racism and encourages the active participation of free men and women, and human, material and cultural development.
We fight against the persistence of global hunger, the absence of democracy, plundering of raw materials and the brutal daily aggression of people in many parts of the World.