- Completed projects
- Kufungula Muae
Districts if Mocuba, Gurué and Alto Molócue, Zambézia province
- My school is blue: an innovative path to discover the relationship between water and the environment in Namanjavira, Mozambique
Mozambique, Namanjavira
- COOPERA - Economic development at the service of the environment
Discrict of Mocubela, Zambezia Province
- CLIMA – CLimate Improved Model for Agriculture
Distretti di Pebane e Mocubela, Provincia della Zambezia
- MuL<->ER Zambezia - Local development through renewable energies
Namanjavira, località sede e Alto Benfica, Distretto di Mocuba
- Food security and commercialization in a gender perspective – Zambezia, Mozambique
Mocubela and Pebane districts - Zambezia Province - Mozambique
- Reducing poverty and food insecurity in 4 district areas in Zambezia, through the improvement of post-production processes and social inclusion of the most vulnerable categories
Lugela District (Lugela e Tacuane), Derre (Goziza e Machindo), Namarroi (Namarroi Sede e Rigone), Gilé (Gilé Sede e Alto Ligonha)- Province of Zambezia
- Improving production processes and social inclusion in Zambezia
Districs of Lugela (Lugela and Tacuane), Derre (Goziza and Machindo), Namarroi (Namarroi and Rigone), Gilé (Gilé and Alto Ligonha) - Zambezia province
- Agri-SMART: supporting resilience and inclusive development
Zambesia Province, Districts of Lugela (Lugela Sede e Tacuane), Derre (Goziza e Machindo), Namarroi (Namarroi Sede e Rigone) and Gilé (Gilé Sede e Alto Ligonha)
- Development and environmental sustainability | Tackling climate changes in Mozambique
Mocubela District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique
- Strengthening of financial sustainability and biodiversity of Gilé National Reserve
Reserva Nacional de Gilè, Distrito de Gilè, Provincia Zambesia, Moçambique
- Connect
Matola, Province of Maputo
- Good Samaritan
- Capacity building of Local Committees and support to the selection process of beneficiaries of the vouchers program in the Province of Zambezia
Alto Molocue and Gurue districts, Zambezia
- Fighting domestic violence and promotion of women’s human rights in Maputo
Provincia di Maputo, distretti di Matola, Maguede, Namahacha, Matutuine Moamba, Marracuene, Boane, Maputo
- Access to clean water and basic hygiene services in Zambezia
Distretti di Ile e Lugela, Provincia della Zambezia
- Protection of biodiversity in the Natural Reserve of Gilé
Distretti di Gilé e Pebane, Provincia di Zambesia
- New infrastructures for the Center for Women and Children victims of violence, on the outskirts of Maputo
Bairro Nkobe, distretto di Machava, provincia di Maputo
- Music Bridges: interludio amongst Pacific, Africa and Europe
Port Vila e Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu e Maputo, Mozambico
- Conservation of Natural Resources in the National Reserve of Gilè and its peripheral areas through the strengthening of economic and productive activities of rural communities
Gilé and Pebane districts